Wednesday, 26 September 2012

bad hair cut day

today has not been too good.
i'll explain.
as you may know, i don't go to hairdressers. they are strange people, as in THEY NEVER LISTEN.
maybe they don't have ears....maybe in order to join the hairdresser club you have to have your ears cut off.
"don't worry!" they'll say. "you can style your hair so nobody notices you don't have ears".
after today i hate them so much when i next see one i'm going to run over to them and grab their hair and reveal the horrible truth to the entire world.
then maybe call them a bitch.
or slut. not because they actually are bitches and sluts (in fact judging by the one way conversation they manage to witter to themselves i fail to see how anyone stuck around long enough for them even to bin the V-plates) but because i am currently looking like a 12 year old war time evacuee.
and it's all thanks to no-ears.
bugger and ass.
shit and fuck.
damn blast and sodding CRAP.

do you see?
i know i'm moaning. but i can't stop. you don't have to listen, but if you do i promise to listen to you if you ever have a slut cut your hair.
and then we can go and expose they ear-less heads to the world together.
as always, love and all that jazz x

Wednesday, 5 September 2012

wonderful wednesdays presents...sweet bread, with love

sweet bread, with love
16oz plain flour
2oz sugar
2 tsp baking powder
just under half a tsp of bicarbonate soda
pinch of salt
8oz raisins...or as many as you want!
splash of cider vinegar...about 1 tbsp
1/2 pint of soya milk...and you'll need more to add if it's still a bit too dry and not sticking together
1) grab your favourite mixing bowl and sift in the flour and add the sugar, salt, baking powder and bicarbonate soda. give it a mix.
2) now add those raisins...mmmm
3) all righty then, now measure out your soya milk...
4) and stir the soya milk and vinegar into the dry mixture.
now we're rocking!
5) it should look like the above picture... try not to over mix it, just a tad will do.
then bang it in a greased tin...



6) bake at 175o for about an hour.
test it with a cake tester/chop stick to make sure it's baked all the way through andddddd....
it tastes amazing warm from the oven or cold the next day.
serve smothered in v.butter and jam with a cuppa tea :)
hope you all enjoy!
love and all that jazz x